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07/27/13 2:50 PM

#102 RE: DoughDiligence #101

I see where someone built a electric car with a 2 cylinder diesel that's only function is to charge the battery . It works perfectly because a diesel can idle all day without damage. It gets hundrens of miles per gallon and seems the perfect conpromise to me. I think drones are the big target right now and with the military using napalm and agent orange I don't think their to worried about methanol.


07/27/13 11:01 PM

#103 RE: DoughDiligence #101

Why Does Home Depot sell Denatured Alcohol instead of Methanol or Ethanol?

According to Wikipedia:

'Denatured alcohol or methylated spirits is ethanol that has additives to make it poisonous, extremely bad tasting, foul smelling or nauseating, to discourage recreational consumption. In some cases it is also dyed.'

'Denaturing alcohol does not chemically alter the ethanol molecule. Rather, the ethanol is mixed with other chemicals to form an undrinkable solution.'

So commercial companies refuse to sell pure ethanol or methanol - instead they add components that make it poisonous, bad tasting, and foul smelling to discourage consumption. Some countries even add dyes to it.