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Qui-Gon Kagi

07/26/13 10:46 AM

#120476 RE: charger #120469

Charger.....I haven't offered much to this board in the past so I can see why you would only follow me based soley on my having communicated with crable for a short period of time on his board, but I hold fond feelings towards him as a good hearted soul who's also a talented chartist. I only quit corresponding with him because of my diverted interest into forex and my lack of funds to adequately trade stocks at the time which unfortunately continues to be the case. I was frustrated with my slow gains in trading the penny stocks at the time as I am now with forex, and I moved to this board hoping that forex would be the get rich quick rich game that I'd read others speak of. Anyway, it's good that you mentioned him because I'll definitely seek cradle and his board out once I am able to fund my stock trading account again. That probably won't happen until after the new year but hopefully it will happen, barring any sudden and undesired or ridiculous expenses and hit's to my credit card! Credit is evil! lol