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07/25/13 11:22 PM

#84 RE: sons4 #77

yes...definitely upside potential huge...only issue is whether management can perform...

I have great hopes with Dr. Walter Robb on the board...a dynamo and brilliant executive at GE. Jack Welch's go to executive. Has his own venture capital firm Vantage Capital.

Blow away resume:

He is on the Board of Director of Celgene and others, and was Angle Investor in Celgene, Cree and others significant tech ventures...

He was recently elected to the Board of MKTY. (SEE 10Q) Incredible expertise in fuel cell technology and development.

IMHO..a magnate to attract serious fortune 500 companies who either need or can use fuel cell technology.

If he endorses MKTY technology...there has to be something big there IMHO...