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Sheeple O Plenty

07/24/13 9:55 AM

#17289 RE: momoneymomoney #17285

Once word spreads, this will catch fire. It's taken "too long" in some eyes because of the amount of work that CG has had to put into this in order to make it a viable publicly traded entity.

Yes, it was a QB company when they took control, but past management entered into the publishing area and placed all of their wager on Trump Magazine, whose debut was just before one of Trumps many implosions.

That left a lot of debt to be cleaned up and worked through.

When I first learned of these efforts, it was at least 3 years ago, maybe 4 now, and the OS was 70 million shares.

To hear that CG has settled the debt and kept this company going for the last several years and only increased the OS to 150m I'm astounded. There was a mountain of debt left behind.

Also, he took a company that his Brother is a partner in public recently. That trades in the 15 cent per share range.

Spinoffs will happen here. Shareholders will receive shares of the companies that are spun off. This will become what CG has envisioned since I first met him.