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07/23/13 7:48 AM

#70048 RE: Puffer #70047

NNVC has a good Project Management steering NNVC's activities in a timeline. It has put the NNVC Express on track, and this train is moving up. ---

If we take the table of events/catalysts below, extracted from the Dr. Seymour's video, and we can agree/edit all event catalysts, lets put it in front of everyone, every week, and I think "information" will start eroding uncertainty, resistance and shorts in front of our NNVC Express. It is so easy to cut/paste FAQ, right?

Our moderator, the Big Kahuna, writes regularly to answer questions with good estimates. If we agree to a table of activities, events, milestones, we post them regularly with A GOOD DISCLAIMER, if needed.

This train will make short stops on the way up but don't get out and stay out for too long. At some point in the not so distant future NNVC will pull a "Hillbilly" on us. ---

I for one believe that shortly after Phase I human trials results (2014) NNVC gives indication that they've found another location for a large cGMP plant. That plant could be ready by the end of (2015).
Once the cGMP pilot plant is complete the Project Management group will continue steering a series of activities forward according to a timeline. The completion of the cGMP pilot plant in 4Q 2013 will be a milestone among others.

Some of the known Catalysts are: ---

Approval for DengueCide® orphan status ~ 3Q 2013
Well over 100 countries to approve "first in class" patent applications ~ 4Q 2013

Milestones -
-cGMP/R&D Center Shelton CT integration completes ~ 4Q 2013
-Commision new cGMP plant ~ 4Q 2013 (equipment moved in/3 identical test batches)
-Receive initial results toxicology studies FluCide ~ 4Q 2013
-Prepare IND for submission to regulatory authorities ~ 4Q 2013

Other guesstimated catalysts -
FluCide® production of test "identical" batches begins ~ 1Q 2014
FluCide® human trials Phase I/IIa begin ~ 3Q 2014
FluCide® human trials Phase IIb/III ~ 1H 2015

More guesstimates:
Potential for blockbuster drugs in pipeline begins realization could very well happen 1H 2015; If Allan's ( NNVC's nav estimation is correct (NNVC's nav at $100/share) it could quickly become a reality in 2015. Do you recall Dr. Seymour makes mention of some phase(s)/human trials taking only a "few short months".

A time will come, soon, when you will hear others in astonishment, asking, "...when did these ball players get here?"
We live in the "Age of Information". Those ball players are, for now, ghosts amongst us however, you can rest assured that once that cGMP pilot plant is built, ready, validated, we will start to see them and others will come.

Watch the video (above...known catalysts...), as many times as necessary. Do you read the same information from this video as I do? Do you see the same up and coming events for NNVC as I do? Will Big Pharma act in anticipation of results of Phase I or will they act after Phase I? My guesstimates are exactly that, guesses, based on a seasoned Project Management group, derived from Dr. Seymour's phrase, "... we are on a path, it is like being on a track,...", like a train of events, making scheduled stops, but coming our way on-time.