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07/21/13 4:12 PM

#8273 RE: The Claw #8271

That's the stuff! Great DD man. Well done and ty


07/21/13 4:15 PM

#8274 RE: The Claw #8271

Thanks for the info! I'm going to review this some more later on. I'm sure everyone here appreciates the extra knowledge


07/21/13 4:21 PM

#8276 RE: The Claw #8271

Excellent DD CB, we've got big boys looking to get a piece of the pie too, big things happening in SCRC!


07/21/13 4:50 PM

#8277 RE: The Claw #8271

Awesome DD CB!!! Thanks for your input.


07/21/13 5:27 PM

#8278 RE: The Claw #8271

CB, I don't know what to say about all of that DD. It's amazing that those funds have the early outlook on SCRC. Now I see where the funding is going to be coming from for this SCRC. They have a heavy hitter.

"In addition, Implex will assist ScripsAmerica in any negotiations and structuring of the sale and/or purchase of businesses, mergers, strategic alliances or distribution agreements as well as advise on the sale of any securities in the public market.

"2013 is going to be a very positive and pivotal year for ScripsAmerica as we plan to launch our RapiMed line of children's pain reliever, finalize the acquisition of our pharmaceutical distributor, explore opportunities to continue our organic growth and increase shareholder value. For these reasons, we have engaged Implex Corporation to provide ScripsAmerica with a full range of investment banking services such as financial analysis and advice as well as introductions to the appropriate players in the investment community that can help ensure our success during this anticipated period of significant growth," stated Bob Schneiderman, CEO of ScripsAmerica."

Talc Moan

07/21/13 5:41 PM

#8281 RE: The Claw #8271


Great Job CBSTocks67!!!

Totally Awesome!


07/21/13 7:12 PM

#8288 RE: The Claw #8271

Awesome DD CBStock67 you are the Jedi Master!!!!! Go SCRC!! Tut

ed longstock

07/24/13 10:57 PM

#8700 RE: The Claw #8271

Thank you for proving my point. If Blackrock and any other large institution is going to get behind SCRC, it wont be because of hype. It will be because of fundamentals.

I believe, based upon public information, that SCRC has an incredible future. But any blackrock talk is premature in my opinion. This stock is the farthest thing from volatile and I am saying that hype language contributes to volatility.

Anyways CBS, I know you are a dedicated investor to SCRC and one of its biggest champions. I am not trying to offend and for that I am sorry if taken that way.

I intend to buy small lots every day and help march this company up. In a couple months, I believe we will be well over a $1 and stable.

Sorry again CBS.
