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07/19/13 10:45 AM

#256672 RE: moxa1 #256671

If Trayvon would've kept on walking home and not turned around and got in Zimmerman's face, he would've never been shot.

Martin was the punk. He was in Sanford because he was having trouble in school. He was walking through the back yards of people's homes in the dark. Anybody that would see that would think it was suspicious.

The NAACP should be charged with inciting a riot, it was never about race and it wasn't profiling. The man was on his back and being beat and he shot and killed the person doing the beating.

So we should excuse Martin because he was a kid and unarmed? Even though he attacked someone? Ridiculous!

If a 17 year old kid attacked me and I had a gun, I'd shoot them too. You wouldn't?
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07/19/13 11:19 AM

#256676 RE: moxa1 #256671

I think the African Americans who were terrorizing Zimmerman's neighborhood are to blame. If they hadn't done that, Zimmerman would never have been Neighborhood Watch.


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07/19/13 12:47 PM

#256682 RE: moxa1 #256671

That's what the liberal "weenie" mind keeps telling you from the liberal "weenie" media. They equate "coward" with "gun" for everyone except Hitler's henchmen and the lowest of pond scum in society.

Zimmerman was CHOSEN to be the head of their neighborhood watch, and as such, he would have been a FOOL to not have a right to carry. But that's a concept beyond the lunatic, liberal mind, because they believe guns are evil, unless they are owned by cops and robbers. Legal citizens have no business with a gun, right? I mean, a cop AND a ROBBER know how to use them properly, right? Take away all the guns in America, and then ONLY the criminals on the streets will have them. Think how much safer we'd all be if the Trayvon's all had their guns, but every Zimmerman was denied the right! And of course, those at the NSA, IRS, DHS, etc. would all have theirs, because they are so completely ethical, moral, and responsible, RIGHT? What are the names of the guys running all those agencies put in place by Barry? I only remember a few -- Mengele, Hoess, Eichmann, Hess, Speer, and Goering.

My God, the liberal way of un-thinking is astounding. Liberals will keep pushing at high levels and being spineless sheep at the other until America is truly AmeriKa. Pathetic.
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07/20/13 4:36 PM

#256727 RE: moxa1 #256671

Travon was a Gang-Sta want-to-be, if he had not acted in a suspicious manner that drew attention, the kind of attention a neighborhood watch is watching for, this could have been avoided.

If Trayvon had lived in that neighborhood and was a stranger just visiting because of a school suspension. If Trayvon had not followed Zimmerman back to the car and jumped him. If Trayvon had not thrown the first punch. If Trayvon was not on top Zimmerman - breaking Zimmerman's nose and bashing Zimmerman's head into the cement this could have been avoided.

Just how much should We The People ignore because Trayvon was black? Equal rights goes both ways pal; how much of beating would you take and ignore because your assailant was black?

Take the black out of it, ignore race and just look at the facts; it was self-defense. If someone is beating me I am going defend in anyway I can, and the race of my attacker will not be factor; living will be my goal.

Adding the race of Trayvon and Zimmerman into equation is a racist act, and those injecting race into it are racist. Any cop will tell you it matters not who said or incited who or what; the one throwing the first punch is the who changed the game and elevated the situation to a crime.

Please Let Common Sense, Logic & Reason Rule! It was a sad affair, but it over now; let the healing begin and lets not have a race war over this. There is so much more to concern ourselves with. Even Trayvon's parents said it was over until the racist showed up again, and prodded them to go cry foul again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Liberal Progressive Politics Must Die Today
So That Freedom Can Be Sure Tomorrow!!!