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07/19/13 3:07 AM

#256668 RE: ONEBGG #256665

Excellent post.

If anyone of us was being attacked and we had a gun, no matter what color, we would get that gun and we would shoot the assailant.

It was never about a hoodie, it wasn't about race. Someone was attacked and they defended themself.

I'm sick and tired of the race card being thrown.

For those that wanna talk about race, perhaps you should take into consideration the RACE that has been ignored for hundreds of years.

The "white" man took land from people that were already here. Then they fought about what kind of white man would control it, hence the Revolutinary War.

Our history books only teach us about what happened when the English came over. They don't talk about the anguish and despair they caused the people that were already here. Instead they spin it into a story about Thanksgiving and turkeys.

People associate racism with 'whites' vs. 'blacks'. They ignore the fact that the whites stole this land to begin with. They ignore the fact that racism started with the tribes that were already settled here.

Racism started a long time ago. It has almost wiped out an entire civilization. Nobody wants to talk about that though. It's always about blacks and whites.

People need to really learn their history


07/19/13 12:30 PM

#256680 RE: ONEBGG #256665

You do know you waste your breath on the zobiefied, liberal mind. They only "understand" what their psycho "leaders" tell them to.