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07/16/13 8:08 PM

#256592 RE: ONEBGG #256590

Holder and Obama are both criminals.


07/16/13 8:16 PM

#256596 RE: ONEBGG #256590

God Gary the whole administration is dangerous!!!
Look what's has happened to our country in just five years!! I'm scared.


07/16/13 11:09 PM

#256616 RE: ONEBGG #256590

SEX Offenders

Just more evidence that the people in charge are crazier than those in a lunatic asylum. The laws in the country are insane. Most are ass backwards. The gov't wastes money like they can steal it at will and print it with abandon, BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY CAN!

The treatment of children as if they are adults, by giving them access to "freedom of the press" through the internet is worse than insane, and it is breeding a generation of mindless zombies, many who turn into predators for their next thrill, since the internet has numbed them totally. Things we never knew existed, they are exposed to on a daily basis, and it is disgusting. No wonder other countries see us as the place with no morals!

Yet, the liberal, progressive mind believes this is all a good thing because they think people are basically good! BS to the extreme! People are bent from birth to do what is selfish and wrong, and by putting children in an environment of porn and violence, this will eventually cripple the nation.

Read this article:

and then compare those numbers of FREE, roaming perverts on the streets with these statistics:

While the resources that go into prosecuting marijuana crimes are often local, more than half a million arrests a year suggests that in a time of cutbacks, America can’t afford to spend an estimated $10 billion on marijuana arrests. Certainly not when almost 1 million sexual predators are running loose.