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07/14/13 5:50 PM

#9693 RE: jmsbravo #9673

I have heard they were doing successful research in that area - not necessarily having to do with SVFC, but just generally.

I think it's great - There has been so much back and forth about stem cells and it has been controversial for quite a while - but that was based mostly on using stem cells from fetuses - This is a whole new thing. When you can use stem cells from fat cells, well, I can't see too many people having issue with that except possibly groups that do no even allow transfusions, etc.

Back pain - oh boy where where they two weeks ago as I underwent back surgery! arrggg....Course, that didn't guarantee any less discomfort or faster healing! LOL

For me, this is a major breakthrough medically - and I'm thrilled to be on this end of it and at the beginning and hope that SVFC continues to gain notoriety as their successes grow.

Doc Holliday

07/14/13 6:52 PM

#9709 RE: jmsbravo #9673

SVFC 1000 times more potent than cortisone shots (which can only be given 3 times a year), and promotes tissue, cartalidge, vessel, and bone marrow growth, not to mention that it will be used against a zillion different diseases. Pro basketball, baseball, and football teams are also negotiating to use it to heal their injured players. I haven't heard, but wonder if it can be used for burn victims too. Just think of all little kids that will now be able to live a normal life because of this. What a great company to be in. Even doctors bought some of this stock. One bought $110k. You know you have something fantastic when doctors start buying in. But most of all I'm rooting for all the millions and millions of people this company will help so they can live a normal life.