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07/11/13 10:28 PM

#40728 RE: d4diddy #40727

HEY, no way!! As a dedicated damn (spit) Basher, I expect it to work faultlessly and sell a bounty the first month!!

If it ain't good enough to that, then what the heck IS it good for?? Selling PP shares?? Flipping?? Flippers are dang nigh as obsolete as Flappers!!

Better get gude ole JIM to do a white paper on it, peer reviewed of course.

Better get the CAP'N to research old NEWSPAPERS AND SEE WHAT HE CAN TURN UP. He is gaurunteed to find SOMETHING or other SOMEWHERE or another.

Get WADE to turn over the dumpsters out behind the SANDIA LAB and see what they have decided to dump!!

As everybody knows, the damn (spit) BASHERS can surely ruin your
chances of becoming a multi billionaire before you are 30!!

Didn't they ruin cdex???


07/12/13 1:23 PM

#40732 RE: d4diddy #40727

Correction, CDEx announced the launch and commercial production in December, 2011. That has not been over two years as I previously stated, it's been over a year and a half.