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07/11/13 12:03 PM

#12280 RE: Jdlalakers24 #12278

Vitamin C has been proven to reduce CRP.

Isn't that ABloc's claim to fame? The Flint results so far don't seem any more promising than results we have on CRP reduction from vitamins.

Tell me what you dispute in these sources. And yes I have read up on ABloc as well.

This article has good links:

Another quick google finds another (double-blind!) study showed that a multi-vitamin taken over 6 months had significant drops in CRP.

What differentiates ABloc from these proven Vitamins? Why pay more? And lets stick to the science and not anecdotal stories, please.


07/11/13 1:20 PM

#12287 RE: Jdlalakers24 #12278

Actually vitamin C can do amazing things. The problem is that most people only take the minimum dosage as per the bottle; say 500 or 1,000 mg per day, if any. Also, most of the studies on Vitamin C are based on low dosage and don't really support any significant results; because there aren't any at such small doses. To get real benefits one may need to take 10,000 mg or five times that amount per day. Example: when my daughter was sixteen she had mono. This was confirmed by our family doctor via a blood test. We put her on 25,000 mg of vitamin C and in two days her symptoms were gone. I had mono 30 years ago when I was in high school and it is a condition that typically last for months. Mega dose vitamin C therapy has even shown to cure cancer. That is a fact. Don't take my word but rather do some research. Google Dr. Linus Pauling. Go to and see what Dr. Andrew Saul has to say about vitamin C. Big pharma knows what mega dose vitamin C therapy can do but they also clearly understand that there is no money to be made with it.

FYI, I have used Anatabloc since it came to the market and have some of my own interesting results. I am also long the stock.