Yes as Q said. And these guys are probably much closer and have much more say in what the company does. You can be sure that at some point they will demand PR to move pps up if that is necessary. My guess is they understand what is going on "inside" the company and are comfortable with it for now.
Yes there do and will. They will be the ones on the SEC door steps first before any of us. You all are nuts. For real why even buy a stock. What just cuz everyone else is you have to? Well i can tell who has and who has not done enough DD on CTDT. Q you say so Much months ago bout this and that happening at the co based only off of the blog. That blog was never part of my DD. But a nice background check on LT WAS. So was one on the CEO and Coo. These background checks weren't $5.99 on the net either. These fine tooth background checks were done in person and I bet all the people I did one on was getting phone calls about some guy knowing enough about them that the people calling told this man more information then they should have but didn't think about it until he was gone and I didn't even get his name.
I know enough to not even look at my account but once a week. Friday at five I look at my account for all that I own. I have solid investments around the world and CTDT made that list after my brother told me to look into them from a business standpoint not a product standpoint. See the product is known. My blood has seen them but my blood knows how I function and asked me to look into the company as I do with all my investment opportunities.