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07/10/13 11:33 AM

#87912 RE: Greensight #87889

Market tuition teaches you best IMO

I started playing 4.5 months back. Lost in the first 6 weeks or so. Lost on FNMA once I think.

Then stopped trading. Looked at what I did wrong. Made notes and tried to fig things out. Worked on strategy. Then started playing again.

Now doing well for more than 2 months consistently. Made up for all my losses and gained a lot more (on FNMA alone - I play other volatile tickers as well).

I trade. Take profits off the table whenever I can. Don't hope. Just play what's on the real screen (not the iHub screen). Rules / strategies / dynamic game plan. I don't make PPS calls. I just plan for different possible scenarios, and then what I would do - IF / THEN - I play only when one of my 'IF's are met, else I watch.

If you see these posts, it has all my thoughts on FNMA

I sold the pop yesterday AM and did not touch again yesterday. Reasons posted earlier. I am playing FNMA today (just like I had planned - shown in the last link) also - not posting too much about that coz most people here are upset.

Good luck.
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07/11/13 11:49 AM

#88648 RE: Greensight #87889

Waiting until the last hour to decide if I want in today or tomorrow morning.

There were some big buyers in the morning which didn't make much sense to me but now it is all playing out according as I thought.

More and more it's looking like tomorrow morning for me.