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07/08/13 11:03 PM

#206179 RE: F6 #206119

Estes should tell Perry to follow the rules .. this is one comment ..

"Cody Blair

Senator (and I say that with as much disdain as I can muster). It was the Republican majority that hijacked democracy. Talk about a double standard! Senator Davis (someone who is worthy to even be called a senator, unlike yourself and your other theocratic henchmen) was held to the rules of the Senate. She went 11hours without sitting, leaning on her desk or podium, eating or drinking, and STAYING ON TOPIC. Yet when all was said and done the Republicans in the senate totally did away with the rules when it suited them. It was total HOG WASH! Hundreds of thousands of people watched as the GOP in the senate disregarded the rules, and then attempt to break the law by taking a vote AFTER midnight, and then changing the official record. That's right...the GOP in the senate is guilty breaking the law. The people are there (THANK GOD) to hold you all in check...and if we see something going on that's illegal you're darn right we're gonna let our voices be heard. Grow up Senator and listen to the people! Listen to the ones that elected you, and throw out your theocratic ideologies. Believe what you want, but don't force it on the majority of Texans who DO NOT see it the same way you do."

to .. Guest Column: When Mob Rule Overwhelmed Democracy
by Craig Estes July 1, 2013

to the Texas Tribune article in which Estes echoed Perry's "mob rule" opinion.

I've been wondering if public disruption as that could ever happen in Australia .. i mean as a reaction to pollies not following their own rules .. can't find any view on that, so am guessing likely no ..

Parliament of Australia .. one bit ..

Public Gallery Bookings

Visitors to Parliament House may view the proceedings of both the House of Representatives and the Senate from the Public Galleries in the Chambers whenever the Houses are in session. At other times when Parliament House is open visitors may visit the Public Galleries.

Rules to be observed by visitors to the Chamber Galleries

* Be seated by 2 pm.
* Undergo secondary security screening.
* Cloak bags, cameras, mobile telephones, IPods and other electrical equipment.
* Be silent in the galleries; applause is not permitted during proceedings.
* Not record, film or photograph proceedings or persons in the galleries.
* Not disrupt proceedings.
* Comply with instructions given by Security staff.

Failure to observe these instructions may result in removal.

ok .. well, surely Texas, every state, and Washington, would have kinda similar rules for the public inside, so why a guess such democratic demonstration could/would not happen in Australia? .. not sure .. the only thing i can think of is maybe parliament gallery's in Australia may not be big enough to allow so many people inside .. so a bottom line might be .. I hope Australian pollies follow their own rules better than Perry's Texas mob follow theirs .. huh? .. just a wonder wander fwiw, which guess is nothing really .. lol .. just couldn't get it out of my mind ..

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08/19/13 2:28 AM

#207952 RE: F6 #206119

'DewFeed' Website Launched By Dan Patrick Slams David Dewhurst With Cat Gifs

Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (R)
Republican Dan Patrick has found a new weapon in the fight against his rival David Dewhurst (R) -- cat gifs.
Patrick, who is running against Dewhurst in the Republican primary for Texas lieutenant governor, launched "DewFeed [ ]" on Friday. The website, designed to look like BuzzFeed [ ], slams what the website calls "the night that will live in Texas political infamy, as told by cats."
The cat gifs are a critique of the night the Texas Senate gallery filled with protesters supporting state Sen. Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth), who tried to filibuster [ ] a controversial abortion bill. When Republicans used a point of order to cut off the filibuster, the gallery crowd erupted in protest.
[...] [with comments]


The night that will live in Texas political infamy, as told by cats

1. Dewhurst had made a lot of noise about his support for the unborn.

2. But the night of the important pro-life bill debate, he was out having a glass of wine with a political consultant friend.

3. Democrats saw an opportunity to pounce on the lack of leadership.

4. A liberal mob descended upon Dewhurst and he couldn’t keep control of the gallery.

5. Wendy Davis began her filibuster and Dewhurst began chasing his tail.

6. By the time he finally called the vote, it was too late.

7. Pro-lifers across Texas sat and sighed.

8. Texas conservatives deserve a strong Lieutenant Governor.

9. Support Dan Patrick, candidate for Texas Lt. Governor, he’ll never back down from a fight.



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