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12/21/05 3:51 PM

#6345 RE: capnmike #6340

"Searches for Sandia will yield the following."

And only a grain of sand on the proverbial beach.

"POWER LASER BEAMING" (research into beaming power directly to orbital craft from high power lasers)- facinating stuff.

Good one Capn.


12/22/05 7:09 AM

#6356 RE: capnmike #6340

d4diddy, wink wink nudge nudge... tie this into your DD work and then cross-reference!

The Use of Intelligent Algorithms in Multispectral UV Analysis
M. W. Trahan, J. S. Wagner, I. R. Shokair, G. C. Tisone, P. C. Gray
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM 87185