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07/08/13 1:48 PM

#7951 RE: rainbow898 #7950

Thank you that is some good information for myself & to all those who come across & read your post.
Wish the bid & ask price was not so far apart, but it is not as bad; it could have been worse, actually!
I as much as anyone else have been patient & see the potential a good company being run properly in a niche that has become for more than one reason, or another a MUST since 9/11.
Jerry just has to right the ship to get the filings up to date as soon as possible.
He reiterated to touch base with him after Labor Day if no news has come out from him by then.
Hoping that we (shareholders) are not looking to wait that long, but there is always that possibility.
I feel confident once we do, Jerry's goals ( as he stated on numerous occasions) include that he is looking @ new acquisitions to add on under the Airborne umbrella.
Meanwhile, of course, looking for new accounts to keep the company growing with fresh revenue!
Jerry does have his work cut out to get things going again with so much time that has elapsed since his last acquisition back in November 2011?
Way too long, if you ask me, so let's get this show on the road!
Anyway, hope you & all of yours had an awesome 4th of July & weekend:)
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07/17/13 2:25 PM

#7952 RE: rainbow898 #7950

O.k. it does not seem like very much, but @ the moment some people or someone has something going on in mind to plunge some money into (ABPR)
It may be a precursor to perhaps to keep an eye in the future!
We will certainly have to be looking out.
Perhaps maybe you know someone?
It would be great to See if someone knows something.
I myself, cannot contact Jerry since he already knows me & has asked me to wait until after Labor Day to call back again if nothing is known, then to call & ask for him.
Otherwise, the ladies that answer the phone actually, recognize me & remember my voice when I called the last time.
I pretty much have called once a month for the past year & a half so I DO NOT THINK I CAN GET PASS THEM ANYMORE.
Anything you or anyone else comes across wil most certainly be golden.
I WISH I had funds to just jump right into to add what I already own right now but, @ the moment I am tied to too many other obligations ect.
Wish you happy huinting!
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07/25/13 12:51 PM

#7954 RE: rainbow898 #7950

I posted but, I did not to your attention.
Perhaps I should have sent it directly to you.
Other wise you may not check the site everyday like me.