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swinging for the fence

12/21/05 9:43 AM

#8068 RE: partysasquatch #8067

Calling etrade today and requesting my certs. If many people start doing this I think they will get the picture on PBLS. I plan to hold these shares long term so if I need to sell I can just overnight the certs and sell them the next day or two. no biggie for me.
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12/21/05 10:49 AM

#8082 RE: partysasquatch #8067

partysasquatch I posted this on RB

I wrote Atty General Spitzer in NY a long time ago. He is the only one that cares IMO.
As far as the corrupt Senate and House I think they are MM.s in disguise.
Maybe the VP will give us a tip, or better yet Hillary and Bill. Remeber her trading Cattle Options and the head of the Democratic party made a fortune on Global Crossings. All Crooks but good luck in your effort.
By: otcstk1
21 Dec 2005, 10:17 AM EST Msg. 29150 of 29157
(Msg. is a reply to by None.)
I just left comments for President Bush on this 'naked short selling' in the Markets and in PBLS.

The number for President Bush White House Comments: 202-456-1111.

This is the letter I sent to the White House and Senator Shelby on the PBLS subject.

Senator Shelby,

I have invested in a small company called 'Phoenix
Associates Land Syndicate'. They are located 25 miles
North of New Orleans and their sand was used in the
levee breaks in New Orleans. I invested in this
company because of the large growth potential they
have and the lack of debt. I come to find out that
this does not matter because my investment is being
stolen by 'naked short selling'.

At first I did not believe it. I purchased a
subscription to and checked. With a float
of 199 million shares they have a little over 100
million shares reported short to Regulation SHO.

Have you guys lost your minds in Washington? How can
you let such theft exist and turn a blind eye? Are
you being paid off to delay an investigation? How can
you guys talk about Social Security in the market when
the market is being extremely robbed?

As an average citizen, I think that the destruction of
everyone's retirement accounts by letting the "United
Bank of Switzerland" steal American investment
dollars, or offshore Hedge Funds doing the same,
should be considered treason. Who's side are you on?
Did it ever occur to you that Terrorists may be doing
this also? Why invest when you can skim?? You owe
the American people an apology.

I am not finished yet. The SEC is next and my Congressman and Senator will have to sit and face me on this issue. I have had enough.