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07/03/13 6:09 PM

#2859 RE: ziff #2852

I am sorry if I confused anyone.
I meant HAVE, though had is technically correct. The plant on The Woodlands was bought by VGXI back in 2008 I think. Inovio owns 16% of VGXI now. But in practice, it is controlled by Ino. Time is reserved for use in making small batches for the company, even though most of the available capacity is taken up with contract manufacturing. It is a nice facility out there I have been a 3 or 4 times. I believe the current reactor size is 1.5 liters, up from 500 when it was purchased.

The time frame to create a vaccine is just the way Syncon works. Syncon can easily be licensed out for others to use to develop as well. The company was planning that back in 2006 after they developed it.I know Joseph always says everything is for sale or license for the right price. Only thing I know that Joseph has said multiple times he will not do is exclusive licensing. They could change their minds, but that is the general mind set he has had for many years.

I have no doubt they would like to have a corona virus vaccine, I do not know if they are working on it. Ino is still not a large company, and resources are limited. Joseph often says about HIV "We are the tallest midget in the room" I think that applies to DNA in that we are the biggest company in it, but we are still a small company...

The Middle Easy is a crazy place to do business. I am sure if a government said they wanted a vaccine asap, Joseph and company would work hard to make that happen if the business case was compelling.

Joseph NEVER forgets he is spending money of investors. He is very concerned if he makes a major move that the business case is justified.