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06/30/13 8:47 PM

#114945 RE: rocco2 #114944

Referencing a 43101 report to pump a stock and then not making that report available to the public is stock fraud plain and simple. They have a duty to disclose as an SEC filer. It is not an option. If the 43101 was confidential information it should never have been mentioned publicly. They used it in a public statement so it must be disclosed to the public.


07/01/13 12:03 AM

#114949 RE: rocco2 #114944

Here's one problem:

The Company has identified a resource, in the lower Black Rock Canyon and not including other areas under claim, of almost 1.2 million yards of gravels with an estimated gold grade of up to 0.5 grams per yard (grade based on a limited sample location).

Any ore deposit, whether it is a placer mine, or a lode deposit, needs to be sampled adequately prior to any mining taking place. Placers, in particular, are notoriously difficult to sample adequately. Ore grades can vary widely from one spot to another, both vertically and laterally. Like many other dubious placer mining schemes (scams), sampling always seems to take a back seat to bringing in the equipment, building nice process buildings, and impressing investors with how much gravel they can move.

60,000 yards of gravel, and they found 300 ounces of gold? Shouldn't they have known after the first few thousand yards of gravel that something wasn't right?

Bang Bang

07/01/13 10:36 AM

#114959 RE: rocco2 #114944

If the 43-101 was so good why have they NEVER released it to the public?? It is one of the red flags that have always been obvious but I looked past it because I believed the BS lies that came from Mitch and Rob. Now, I don't believe much of anything in any of the PR's put out by these liars.