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06/29/13 9:03 PM

#58262 RE: jetpilot1101 #58257

The problem is that MDMN doesn't even know if they actually have "low hanging fruit".

What? Medinah has been fairly confident about the "low hanging fruit" which they are now monetizing at LDM. Maybe you missed the PR stating that they began daily shipments of ore from LDM at a minimum of 3% copper content. What else needs to be known for the LDM operation other than the content shipped, the content milled and the amount of Chilean pesos remitted weekly?

They haven't even released credible assay results so how do they know that anything they are shipping to Til Til is economically viable.

Please point out where there is a requirement that a company must release assay results for the ore they are shipping to any mill anywhere? Certainly the ore content must be assayed before shipping and then assayed upon delivery to ensure what was shipped matches what was delivered and in order to be properly paid for by the mill. Since the San Pedro mill makes its living off of remitting payment based on measuring ore content from shipments, I'm willing to bet that their assaying techniques, QAQC and results are quite sufficient. Whether shareholders of the companies involved have access to those assay results doesn't really matter at all, though I'd love to have them. However, I don't believe shareholders of Vale, Freeport, Newmont, or (choose your own company), et al are clamoring for the assay results for every ore shipment from each of their projects.

It appears that JJ is taking a shot in the dark and hoping he hits it big.

By all accounts, they already have at LDM and based on prior drilling and the prior report by geologist Paul Jones, it wasn't that much of a shot in the dark. I recall people scoffing at the picture of the first shovelful. Now they scoff at the first ore shipments. And they'll probably scoff at the first revenue report...and so on.

Why haven't they done a decent set of assays that can be verified prior to commencing shipments? They certainly have had ample time, that ore pile has been sitting for well over a year.

Because the only parties that need to verify the assays prior to shipments and upon receiving the shipment are CMLDM and the San Pedro mill geologists.

As a shareholder I'd love to have access to all of the assay results that have ever been completed in excruciating detail. I'd love to have videos of the trucks being loaded to the gills with the 3%+ copper content. I'd love to have the cell phone of the mill operator at San Pedro and the geologist on site at LDM. And I'd love to have my own samples of ore from LDM to assay independently. However, as a shareholder ultimately the only thing that matters are the revenues from the LDM operation. When the company (or its JV partner) does commence an official drill program with the intent of resource classification, that is when shareholders will be getting the detailed assay results. In the meantime, the company monetizes the low hanging fruit where, as I stated previously, the assays and their verification only matter before and after shipment to CMLDM and the mill.