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06/27/13 5:47 PM

#57 RE: philipmax #56

This week Senators Warner *D VA) and Corker (D-TN) proposed a bill to terminate FMCC & FNMA within 5 years. They are to be replaced with US Gov't guarantees for privately funded mortgages. Duh???

What do these gentlemen think Fanny&Freddie are doing?

What shall we call these new entities? How about, Fanny and Freddie, since they'll do the same functions.

Silly as it sounds, there are few options out there to replace or even augment F& F. Why? because they worked so well for 80 years.
There need not be a "fix" for something that works so well.

Next unsolved issue:
Government confiscation of private property. Namely, my common and preferred stock in F&F.

How are you going to do that, boyz???