with regard to L3 , i dont even think we had "pink" lemonade back in '68 when i worked for Dow Jones/ Wall Street Journal, and serviced and repaired the ticker tapes in Dallas Ft Worth area. and to think the first market quote board back then was actually a pneumatic air flow system of tiny balls on a revolving belt for the unwashed to view. tea leaves without the tea nowadays for $qasp is it? those old stock market ticker tapes were electrically placed in series of about 13 tickers each on the average, and when one of the 13 lost sync they all went off line.... that keep me hopping daily, and to think our first computors were so huge, main frame stuff, and now here they sit with L3.....wow one of joes favorite words Quasar Quest the great QQ the search for truth, and to think Joe is lurking, justthinkpink