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06/26/13 11:00 PM

#40516 RE: pennstreet #40515

The magic that is manufactured at Cdex is most amazing, to say the least.

Yes indeedy, the old fairy tale writers wrote of magic. The vivid imagination of those writers pales beside the Imaginary, fairy tale that is the IG4.

cdex management IMAGINES truly wonderous lies hot air and calls it real.Dunno which is the artist..could it be the Putative CEO...or did MP draw yet another consultation fee????


06/27/13 3:15 PM

#40531 RE: pennstreet #40515

"The magic that is manufactured at Cdex is most amazing, to say the least."


How arrogant can you get Pennstreet? "Debt-free", "the G4 will make history", now "the magic... is most amazing"?

Sounds like cantina talk! LOL!!