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06/26/13 10:22 AM

#63222 RE: Clutch Cargo #63221

Great Post Clutch!! ASYI has made it clear in the financials they've been using Accrual Based Accounting....Explains everything...Time to load more shares.
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Clutch Cargo

06/26/13 10:47 AM

#63224 RE: Clutch Cargo #63221

ASYI – from the COLD-COLD HEART of Merus Capital …

who is the primary investor in ASYI and AERO IQ Inc.; and who presently displays the AERO IQ logo on its website of “iEnterprise Portfolio Companies”.

The following is a direct quote from the founder of Merus Capital, in an interview he gave back in 2009 to a reporter from Esquire Magazine. The interview was conducted 4 months after Merus Capital had invested $5,000,000.00 (of its $13 Million fund) in Airline Intelligence Systems in January of 2008 (which reverse-merged into ASYI in March of 2010).

The quote has always been VERY important to me in this trade … because it reveals the TRUE thinking that went into the investment decision made by ASYI/AERO’s primary investor, Salman Ullah, the founder of Merus Capital, who was the former Vice President at Google; in charge of Google’s world-wide acquisitions of software-development companies:

"I discriminate against white people," Ullah tells [the reporter] one afternoon. "You should know that. I do. I also discriminate against brown people. The discrimination is subtly different. With the white guy, I know he's stupid. Whereas with the brown guy, he better be f______ brilliant. So I'll take the meeting with the brown guy, because I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I will never give the benefit of the doubt to the white guy. But the bar is lower for the white guy, much higher for the brown guy. It's weird. It's this weird off-diagonal thing."

AERO’s founder, former ASYI CEO, Stephen Johnston, and his partner, Roy Miller, who invented the JetEngline BPS software … are “white guys” … for whom Merus Capital says that it “never gives the benefit of the doubt to.” And yet, these “white guys” managed to receive $5,000,000.00 of Merus Capital financing … despite the potential existence of thousands of “f______ brilliant” “brown guys” who no doubt needed such financing to launch THEIR ideas.
For me, that means that Merus Capital saw something so important and revolutionary in ASYI/AERO’s idea that it caused Merus Capital’s founder to shift away from his normal “racial bias” and make the decision to finance a “white guy’s” idea.

If you don’t agree with my thinking in this respect … then simply go to the Merus Capital iEnterprise Portfolio page and take a look at all the smiling “brown guys” you see there who have received financing.

It’s immediately obvious to me. Merus Capital saw (and continues to see) something VERY special in ASYI/AERO IQ … something so very special that it decided to shift $5,000,000.00 of “brown guy” money into a “white guy’s” company … even after having decided not to give those “white guys” “any benefit of a doubt”.

Merus Capital KNEW that the JetEngine software was going to be a tremendous success. And it STILL believes that … which is why it’s STILL onboard as an investor; EVEN THOUGH it’s $5,000,000.00 investment, made back in 2008, is now worth a measly FIVE-HUNDRED DOLLARS!


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06/26/13 11:45 AM

#63225 RE: Clutch Cargo #63221

Fantastic post! Someone is gobbling up the ASK now and it's almost bid time! ASYI gonna rock when CLutch's DD comes to light!!

(Only post of day...)