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06/25/13 7:45 PM

#18713 RE: Trod27 #18712

At this point, Question is not weather you trust APS, You are way past that now you have to look, like and trust the company, Anyways good luck to you, I say XUII is looking very strong and healthy!!!!


06/25/13 8:57 PM

#18720 RE: Trod27 #18712

ut27rod, a tough call. XUII has reacted opposite of what almost anyone thought/posted including myself (which I will admit). I can say that if you are up 5% currently that you are in good shape being that you are not underwater like some might be here yet. Lets see how the next two days go and then you can decide Thursday if you wish to hold into Friday or not being you are going to be gone. If you have enough of a bump up in the next 2 days and a larger percent gain by then maybe you can try staying in and putting in a Limit order for Friday to protect your gains should it start to drop. For now just play it day by day and see how tomorrow looks.

Crazy Money

06/25/13 10:04 PM

#18729 RE: Trod27 #18712

XUII is not going to .50 ... the biggest miracle ever is they could get it back to .42 ... and if they could even do that, then it would just crash down yet again with huge volume... so fast that people would have a hard time getting out once they understood it was going back down ... would just drop like a rock yet again out of nowhere ...