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06/25/13 6:29 PM

#75624 RE: ~ Blue ~ #75620

My only concern is the statement on the Fixing Fannie Mae.

The housing market seems at last to have bottomed out: Prices are rising at the fastest rate in seven years. Underwater mortgages, though still a drag on the economy, are becoming less of a burden. According to CoreLogic, a real estate data service, total negative equity was $628 billion at the end of 2012, down from $801 billion in 2009.

Principal reduction, therefore, is becoming yesterday’s issue. What matters for the future is a permanent fix to the mortgage-finance system. That means winding down Fannie and Freddie and building new structures free of their design flaw — socialized risks and privatized profits. Obama’s Treasury Department urged such a solution more than two years ago but has yet to propose legislation. That’s what the president and Congress should be working on now.


06/25/13 6:32 PM

#75626 RE: ~ Blue ~ #75620

Good timely post!

Full Contact Yoga

06/25/13 6:47 PM

#75631 RE: ~ Blue ~ #75620

They do have the power to end this...they created it, they control it, and they guarantee it.


06/25/13 7:47 PM

#75680 RE: ~ Blue ~ #75620


They were going to fail so they were shored up from preventing a total meltdown, this all happened during the TARP bailouts. The feds will restructure these two companies into a government owned entity without any public ownership. Shareholders will get nothing.

WM Amor Trading

06/25/13 8:17 PM

#75711 RE: ~ Blue ~ #75620

Agreed Blue . Good post!

Who let apeman or "where's the beef" lady back on this board?