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06/21/13 9:33 AM

#94417 RE: Actuate #94405

It is in the filings, reread them.

GDSM stated they SOLD 135MM shares to pay off debt which was a blatant lie. The liabilities INCREASED on THEIR financial statements in the very next quarter!

How does GDSM sell off 135MM shares at .02-.034 on average, not show any INCOME on the financial statements, and have increased liabilities? The admission of selling shares to pay down debt is considered INCOME to the Corporation period, it is NOT listed in ANY of the financial statements, can that be explained? Of course not.

The lack of understanding what happened to that money shocks me, it disappeared, and then Marc somehow was able to pay off $550K in Bankruptcy court! Read between the lines.

So easy to understand, yet so many simply cannot grasp it.



06/21/13 10:25 AM

#94420 RE: Actuate #94405

From GDSM's Quarterly Report for September 2012:

A total of 125mm new shares were issued (Sold) to eliminate debt and share issuance obligations, as well as to secure capital for legal, accounting, Pink Sheet Subscription fees and other necessary expenses to bring the Company’s filings current.

In the quarter ended September 2012, the Company issued (sold) 25mm shares of common stock to satisfy outstanding obligations and services.

That is a total of 150MM shares that were sold/issued in ONE QUARTER! Does anyone honestly think there is not a correlation with the DUMPING of 150,000,000 shares in the few months after the BS PR's ran this POS up to .034 to have it fall back to 000's?

At an average of .025, that is over $3.75 million they stole from investors!

And GDSM does NOT have the financials completed yet!? It has been over a year since the sale of these shares. And if read closely, these shares are NOT listed in the financials anywhere for 2012.

Think it's speculation still? I beg to differ, these shares were in FACT sold, and the money was pocketed, period.