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06/19/13 5:31 PM

#77659 RE: gulf shores man #77653

AMBS is a bottomless pit of money, hopes and dreams! If you mean that there is a very slight chance that diagnostics will come to market for AMBS before bankruptcy then possibly. The stock is not being manipulated by shorts...longs are coming to terms with a costly mistake and the realization that everything depends on financing for AMBS. Longs are selling into any strength. Not to mention that AMBS is 2 years away from any potential revenues. A lot can happen in two years. Gerald's plan 1.5 years ago should have been to develop diagnostics and tabled MANF until then. Instead he went for MANF without the necessary funding and wasted all that time and money only to end in short-term failure and a drastic business focus change. Any smart investor has done their DD and know that two things have to happen for AMBS. Gerald needs to go and they need 3-5 million of new non-dilutive investment. Until then, AMBS goes below a penny. IMO


06/20/13 2:12 AM

#77687 RE: gulf shores man #77653

i blieve that with this new study you will get at one day in the ner future some new investors just buying 10-20 Mio shares because they want to be in this stock and the price will spike and other investors will follow...the stock is way undervalued ..i would not be surprised to see the stock above 0.10 in two weeks