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12/17/05 9:13 AM

#525 RE: bartermania #524

Again, the DTCC appears to be emulating the Federal Reserve. The DTCC is a quasi-goverment organization. And it appears to be accountable to no one...but, itself. They appear to control the shares of publicly traded companies in a manner that IMO is similar to the way the Fed controls the US money supply. The DTCC sets the policy and appears to have a great deal of control over the shares stored there. The DTCC is the bank. They're the one's who clear the trades and the one's who apparently take the money from investors' accounts (via stock depreciation) and give it to the short and naked short sellers.

Nobody wants to take the rap for the fraud/theft/crimes...but, IMO the blames lies with the DTCC...and we know who's running them right?...banks, brokerage houses and the like. Quite chummy and quite corrupt if one asks me. IMSO, it stinks...reeks...badly.

What's the definition of a scam?

Well, IMO...the DTCC defines one.
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12/17/05 9:56 AM

#527 RE: bartermania #524

I concur with your remarks about the DTCC. But I completely reject you demand for stopping any shorting.To have a balanced free market place an investor has to have more than a choice to hope for increase in share price. As long as a market goes up and down the choice of which way to bet is basic and will continue to be available for investors to express their choice.Legitimate shorting is a necessary element for a market place. But there is no justification for grand fathering naked shorting and then not enforcing the rules to prevent fuirther naked shorting. You are adamantly commiteed to eliminating all shorting. So be it. I'll not comment on your position again. You have every right to express your view.