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06/15/13 4:23 PM

#230558 RE: Florinda #230554

Good points and I agree the assembly of a processor will not be as simple and easy as we may hope. But, it will no doubt be quicker to build 4 and 5 than 3 because they have done it before. Any hangups encountered in the assembly of 3 will no doubt be accounted for in future processors. The fact they spent so much money on clones of number 3 (4 and 5), it makes me feel that they are very confident in the design. I can't wait to see what it can do!


06/15/13 7:08 PM

#230566 RE: Florinda #230554

Rube Goldberg would be proud. That's quite a contraption. Is it patented?

Total P2O Revenue $915,008

Historically, we operated under the premise that we would be able to obtain significant quantities of waste plastic for free, as we offered companies a more cost-effective disposal method for this waste stream. During the year, as we processed increasing amounts of waste plastic, we made the determination that in order to obtain the most optimal feedstock on a consistent basis, we would be required to purchase this feedstock. We continue to receive free plastic from time to time, however, we have concluded that these sources are not able to provide us with the amount of feedstock required to consistently feed the processors at the optimum feedrates

Just think how much faster the company can lose money now!

I missed the part of the PR where the machines efficency / conversion rate is described. How much better is this unit compared to #2?