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06/14/13 2:09 PM

#341828 RE: shajandr #341825

LOL, reality and common sense has no place in these worthless SEC violating, bankrupt penny scam stocks

Plus it makes ZERO sense. An "evil short" would have no reason to have a 144 opinion letter forged. All that does is to UNRESTRICT 144 stock for trading.

If the "evil short" is short, he would not need to UNRESTRICT 144 stock to trade it. Unless he owned the 144 stock - in which case he is not a short, he is a LONG who wants to sell his 144 stock. And even if that party had "shorted against the box" - selling short against already-owned 144 restricted stock - it is still not a short because that is simply a long flattening his position against 144 stock - not a net short and not a "naked short". A "Bomart letter" to lift the trading restriction on stock that is already owned has nothing to do with an "evil short".

The David Bomart letter did not serve to benefit an "evil short", it only served to release for TRADING restricted 144 stock that was held by entities that owned that stock and thus were long.

No matter what theory you use, the David Bomart letter could only have benefited "evil LONGS".