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06/13/13 1:28 PM

#147284 RE: Justin C #147276

Mowing makes me tired, I get sweaty every time I have to get out of my chair on the deck to mix another Gin and Tonic while I watch the yard boy and his granddad who is 94 yrs old. He drives the zero turn mower and grandson does the steep parts and trims. A great team, they arrive, unload 2 mowers, mow 2 acres, trim, load and go in one hour. I can generally get down a couple Gins in that hour. He sends me a bill once a month for May, June, July, Aug, and Sept. The rest of the year he plows the snow. We have short summers and long winters usually.

In his spare time, he hays my fields and the neighbors, a total of about 40 acres. He does it for the hay, we used to brush hog it all, now he mows and bales it and sells it. A win-win situation.