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06/13/13 2:06 PM

#6256 RE: Bertsllc #6251

My wife just got this!

From: Governor Jay Inslee [mailto:Governor.JayInslee@GOVERNOR.WA.GOV]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:25 PM
To: AllState Employees
Subject: Contingency planning

Dear fellow state worker,

As most of you are probably aware, with a little over two weeks remaining in the current two-year budget cycle, the Legislature has yet to reach agreement on a new two-year budget to take effect July 1. Last night, I issued a proclamation calling the Legislature into a second special session and urged lawmakers to move quickly toward a final and fair compromise.

But this afternoon I also met with the cabinet to discuss contingency plans in the unlikely case lawmakers are unable to reach agreement by June 30.

Let me be clear: I am doing everything possible to get a budget in place to avoid an unprecedented shutdown of state government.

I know you have questions about what will happen to your agency. At this point, we don’t know the specifics of what state services and operations would continue without a budget. Our planning process is underway to help us make those decisions.

As state employees, you know better than most how disruptive this would be for the millions of Washingtonians who depend on state services as well as for the thousands of health care providers, teachers, students and vendors.

I also feel deeply what this uncertainty does to you and your families. You dedicate much to this state every day. Recent years have seen cuts to the important services the state provides, meaning there are fewer of you doing more work.

You should know, your sacrifice and commitment was clearly recognized at the cabinet meeting this evening.

Not knowing what will happen in the coming weeks could make your work harder. But this is also a time to show what Washington state employees are known for: teamwork, creativity and a commitment to public service.

I promise you I will do the same. That’s how my team and I will approach our work to forge a compromise in the Legislature.

As governor, it is also my duty to make sure we are prepared for the possibility that lawmakers are unable to find agreement. This afternoon’s cabinet meeting began a planning process, which is spelled out in the attached memo. Specifically, we are asking agencies to identify any services that would be continued on the basis of certain constitutional mandates or federal law.

As we move through our planning and preparation, we will work closely with your agencies to keep you informed. But, let me reiterate, equal energy will go into getting a budget in place, and I believe we will get there.

Thank you for your service to the people of Washington.

If you have any comments, please email me through this link.

Very truly yours,
