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~ Blue ~

06/13/13 2:11 AM

#65519 RE: stockprofitter #65518

Lawsuit doc. conclusion is clear: FNMA and its sibling sacrificed for "too big too fail" financial institutions that packaged bad loans to FNMA and its sibling (196 billion dollars) and blamed poor fannie mae and freddie let them like orphan kids. NOW parents (shareholders) of these orphan kids are fighting to get their kids from the gov. hands
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06/13/13 2:27 AM

#65522 RE: stockprofitter #65518

What the gvt did in 2008 to fnma isn't shocking to anyone who understands the similarity between how our last few administrations have acted and a certain movie from the 70s you might have seen, which stars Brando and Pacino. The main characters in it simply do what they want, because they can. And they are 100% corrupt. I'm long fnma but i have to leave some space in my outlook for the chance that uncle sam might somehow still be able to bulldoze its way over some fundamental laws here, as they certainly sometimes do. I love the info Blue has posted for us (lawsuit, fnma link saying no liquidation without act of congress, etc). Sure, some courts might rule in our favor, but some courts think the gvt can force us to buy something. Some believe eminent domain allows gvt to take your land not only for infrastructure but also to be able to turn around and give it to someone who has a plan to make more profit (generate more tax $) from it than you are making. So the law seems clear here but that still might not stop the gvt. I'm simply keeping that chance in mind until some solid developments happen. Maybe I'm a little more paranoid or cautious then most fnma longs. But the more info like Blue's that I see, the more I want to buy.