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06/15/13 7:38 PM

#2637 RE: Slyder009 #2635

I'm not a fan of sticking it to the consumer by whoever. That's great that Microsoft wants to inject some honesty into the used games market, but seriously, we know this is a money grab. Like all markets, the used game market should regulate itself--those who sell the same games at more competitive prices will get more business.

"First Sale Doctrine" should be applying here. Thanks to the DMCA, courts have been duped into assuming it doesn't. If you buy something, YOU own it, and YOU should have full ability to resell it to whomever you wish, no restrictions or red tape. DRM schemes kill that freedom.

As someone who works at a public library, I especially hate how companies keep screwing with the ability to resell games or lend them to friends, etc. Our library purchases games for the major consoles and lends them out to our patrons, just like books. We can't do that if crappy DRM schemes are implemented. That's why we can't lend PC games. Steam is great and all, but it also hamstrings communities from buying copies that can be circulated to multiple people. What these companies don't realize is that they aren't losing business with libraries, they actually gain it, because we tend to replace those items that get lost or damaged, which means another sale. People who might not otherwise buy something to use it will borrow from us, so no lost sale there either. Ebook publishers and music publishers, and soon, movie publishers, already have platforms that cater to public libraries. So should game companies!

But anyway, a little off-tangent I know. Main point here is that DRM is crap, it doesn't work (EVERY DRM scheme I know of has been circumvented to date--just check out your favorite pirate site!), and in the end it just screws the consumer, and the pirates are going to find ways around it anyway. I'm sad to see MS going this way, and it's going to take a beating for sales compared to Sony's PS4 if recent events are at all indicative (and they certainly seem to be) of the general consensus among gamers. MS is putting a lot of money behind their new XBOX, and I'm afraid the DRM (not to mention the required Internet side of things) is going to backfire.


06/25/13 4:30 PM

#2642 RE: Slyder009 #2635

very good post, some great points here