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06/09/13 10:29 PM

#196748 RE: Serenity #196747

I really don't think most CEOs like the idea of shareholders flipping. It interferes with the dilution shares they are trying to dump. And really, if everyone bought shares and held onto them forever, as in many years, like the CEO wants them to, the share price would be MUCH higher and far fewer shares would be out. But that happens only in fantasyland.

Black Beerd

06/10/13 9:04 AM

#196749 RE: Serenity #196747

"I refuse to go along with the "scam" word that some are throwing around"

Scam takes many forms and when the blogs never matched expectations and never reflected on the financials I can easily rationalize scam or certainly the potential of being so. Telling many about friendly financing..500 store rollout in spring...etc isn't what I call accidental mngmnt mistakes...CEO's know better IMO and that every word a CEO makes public are words that are measured and that he knows as free pass. Scam IMO is getting the loyal trust of the shareholder and then abusing that trust with actions that never come. Being NOBLE is doing what you say you're going to do when you say you"re going to do it....that never happened.With all the blogs in correlation dilution certainly doesn't get him the NOBLE pink CEO of the year award.

".I do not personally believe it was his intent to drive this company in to the ground."

Theres a fine line there IMO whether I subscribe to that or not...why? because of the rate of dilution in the pinkies exchange puts the full responsibility on knowing full well what he was to avoid doing from day 1 he sat in the big boy CEO chair. There are no surprises...he was inept but along with not admitting he's inept leaves him few choices in options if you want to keep getting paid.

" I still firmly believe it is nothing but pure incompetence and ego that killed this company and IMO as long as he is the one in control"

As long as he's in control which he wants...the ineptness continues...and he needs to raise cash.....dilution is his only act he has shown proof of competence in.
I think his actions exceed the catagory as being just inept...I'm not disagreeing with you but to many other actions took place that fall out of the realm of just being inept.