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06/06/13 11:57 PM

#162237 RE: ilpapa #162235

Has Nissen responded?

see below... also check out the last paragraph where Herper predicts AMRN getting approval for Anchor indication...

Matthew Herper, Forbes Staff
PHARMA & HEALTHCARE | 6/06/2013 @ 7:39PM |8,513 views
Avandia Vote Ends An Era Of Drug Safety Scandals

Avandia, once the most-used diabetes pill on the planet, was all but finished. After concerns emerged that it might cause heart attacks, the Food and Drug Administration in 2010 put severe restrictions on Avandia, forcing doctors and patients to register and fill out paperwork to show they understood the risks. The number of patients taking Avandia in the U.S. rapidly fell from 120,000 to 3,000.

Now a panel of advisers to the FDA says that the restrictions should be eased so more patients can get the drug despite still unproven risks. An overabundance of caution can hurt patients, argued Rebecca Killion, a patient who served on the 26-member panel.

“Our charge,” she said, “is to be safe but to be sane.”

Seven panelists voted to remove all restrictions, arguing the evidence for any heart risk was weak; five voted to leave all the restriction as they currently are. Thirteen voted to change the restrictions, and described various ways of loosening them, including not forcing patients to register or to sign informed consent forms. One panelist, a consumer representative and registered nurse named Ida Spruill, voted to withdraw the drug. She said she was diabetic and had taken Avandia.

“I am not comfortable as a nurse prescribing the drug to my family members or to other people,” she said.

‘A Pretty Good Outcome’

Steven Nissen, the Cleveland Clinic cardiologist who first publicly raised concerns about Avandia in 2007, said the vote was a “pretty good outcome” given that restrictions on the medicine might have been dropped entirely. “I’m not OK with a single patient getting the drug,” he said. But he also says “restricted access gives us what we need…this drug will not be appearing in pharmacies around the corner.”

This two-day advisory panel adds another dramatic high point to the story of a medicine that has changed the way drugs are regulated around the world. The scandal around Avandia helped spur the passage of reforms that gave the FDA more power to regulate drugs, allowing it to institute the kinds of restrictions later put on Avandia. The 2010 panel marked perhaps the apex of a concern about drug safety that began with the withdrawal of the Merck arthritis drug Vioxx seven years before. Today’s vote is a sign that worries about the safety of innovative prescription medicines has peaked. The Vioxx era is over.

The decision will probably have little practical effect. Even if Avandia does cause heart attacks and the drug is used more often, it will still be a very small product by the standards of big pharmaceutical companies. (Even if usage tripled, that’s less than 10,000 patients.) Nor will it mean much in the way of sales for maker GlaxoSmithKline, which is unlikely to raise the price of the drug to make up for the small market. The importance of the decision is as much symbolic as anything else.

Did The FDA Stack The Deck?

Although the vote was decisive and was the likely outcome given the data presented, the FDA chose a panel and an agenda that played toward easing the Avandia restrictions. At the 2010 panel, three panelists voted that the existing warnings were good enough; two were back this time. Seven voted to make those warnings more onerous, and five of them returned. But of the 10 who voted to restrict Avandia’s use, only four returned. And of the 12 who voted in 2010 to withdraw Avandia from the market, only three came back.

Today’s panel was a re-examination of a clinical trial that many of the 2010 panelists had worried had been flawed. Under the FDA’s instruction, Avandia’s maker, GlaxoSmithKline, had funded the Duke Clinical Research Institute to re-analyze the raw data from the study. The FDA says it contacted all of the panelists from the 2010 study who were still enrolled as “special government employees,” the status that means they have been approved for serving on the FDA’s advisory committees.

But if the FDA wanted to get the panelists to arrive, they didn’t work very hard at it. Clifford Rosen of Maine Medical Center, who chaired the 2010 meeting, said he initially declined because he was busy. “I agree that they should have called me up and said, ‘you have to come.’” (They couldn’t have made him, but he could have been dismissed.)

Another Avandia critic, Curt Furberg of Wake Forest University, was not invited because he’s no longer a special government employee. But it’s not unusual for the FDA to make someone a special government employee for an important meeting. Yet another researcher who had voted to withdraw Avandia, Thomas Fleming of the University of Washington, was invited but then told he had a conflict of interest. In the past, such conflicts have been waved; it’s unlikely that Fleming, known for being tough on medicines, would have gone easy on the drug, and his statistical acumen would have been useful.

Where Were The Critics?

The FDA could have gotten more of the negative votes to come back, but it might not have mattered. Of the three panelists who voted to restrict the use of Avandia last time, two this time voted to ease the restrictions on the drug. None voted to withdraw it.

Part of the reason is that the re-analyzed clinical trial, RECORD, seemed to show that even if Avandia increases heart attacks, it may not lead to more deaths. But the FDA, which determines the agenda for it advisory committees, gave little time to critics. Thomas Marciniak, an FDA official who had raised questions about RECORD in 2010. But no outsiders were allowed to speak during the main program. By not having Nissen, Furberg, or another critic present, the FDA didn’t do its job of presenting both sides of the Avandia argument. The fact that the outcome might have been the same with those arguments made only makes this worse.

The critics get some of the blame, too: none of them showed up for an open public comment period when they would have gotten five minutes to speak. “I think I earned the right with all the work I’ve done if they wanted a balanced advisory committee meeting they would have accepted my request,” says Nissen. “I can’t do anything in five minutes.”

The Lost Trial

One thing the panel did seem to agree on: the FDA did not follow a key piece of advice given by the 2010 advisory committee, and this was a big mistake on the part of Janet Woodcock, the director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. A 16,000 clinical trial, called TIDE, was put on hold then because of questions whether Avandia could be ethically given to patients. The 2010 panel voted it should have continued, and today’s panel nearly gnashed their teeth over the absence of the data they thought it might have provided. Critics, like Nissen, say that the trial had major flaws anyway.

Many of the panelists seemed to hope that there would be some way to start another study. This seems highly unlikely. What’s more true is what was said by Susan Heckbert, of the University of Washington, who was one of the panelist’s least satisfied that Avandia did not have a cardiovascular risk. The time for a study of Avandia’s heart risk was shortly after the drug was approved in 1999, if not before that. And that was one of the big messages from today’s panel: companies are being forced to start big studies to prove their drugs have benefits before those drugs are approved. That won’t change.

Before the panel started, I wrote that I thought that the FDA might be trying to relax the more onerous requirements now put on the makers of diabetes drugs. These requirements can be a problem for companies. Earlier this year, Novo Nordisk, one of the top makers of insulin, was forced to do new heart safety studies for a long-acting insulin it was developing. That hurt Novo, and helped Sanofi. A long-acting insulin, Lantus, is Sanofi’s best selling product, with first-quarter sales of 1.3 billion euros.

The Future; A Prediction

The FDA is clearly very interested in pushing companies to generate as much clinical trial data as possible. That’s not going to change. But the tenor of today’s meeting indicates that the agency is also much less worried about big drug safety scandals erupting than it was even three years ago. If FDA brass were worried about U.S. representative John Dingell or Senator Charles Grassley holding hearings, today’s meeting would have been less likely. This may be the most industry friendly FDA in years.

Companies will be expected to do lots of big, expensive trials to approve drugs for heart disease and diabetes. But they won’t all have to happen before approval. Investors shouldn’t expect that the rules of the era of the drug safety crisis, of Vioxx, the antibiotic Ketek, and Avandia, still apply.

What does this mean? Here’s a prediction: Amarin Pharmaceuticals is trying to launch a new prescription fish oil, Vascepa. Like all high-dose fish oil, the drug lowers triglycerides, particles of fat in the blood, and is approved for patients with very high triglyceride levels – higher than 500 milligrams per decileter. There is no clinical trials evidence that either Vascepa or its competitor, GlaxoSmithKline’s Lovaza, lowers the risk of heart attacks, strokes or deaths. Skeptics, including Nissen, believe that this means that Vascepa should not be approved for patients with triglycerides higher than 200 mg/dL.

But Amarin has an agreement with the FDA, called a special protocol assessment, saying the data it has produced should be sufficient for the expanded approval. It has funded the first ever clinical trial to show whether a fish oil product prevents heart attacks, strokes, chest pain, and stent procedures. Given this, I think it’s likely that the FDA will grant Amarin the wider indication without waiting for that trial to finish.