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06/06/13 9:17 AM

#8273 RE: HackEvo #8272

that rise was on no promotion so it was frontloading. It will go higher, but maybe not much, when the promotion to resell those shares happens.


06/06/13 5:19 PM

#8276 RE: HackEvo #8272

In order to come back to life, it had to have had a life previous, which clearly it did not. This is all just a lot of stalling and tap dancing to buy some time before an investigation reveals a complete and total fraud. Anyone know where Toups or Cai are right now? How about Gentry? How about the dudes at CVWB/Anderson Bradshaw who are walking around right now looking over their shoulders? To all the American citizens involved in this fraud, the footsteps behind you are getting louder aren't they? Time's almost up.....hope you have a good disappearing act worked out.......