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The Rainmaker

06/05/13 8:24 PM

#10896 RE: anicoagent #10895

Their name is Penny Crazy, it doesn't get more credible than that does it?

Anyone else ready this, post by Penny Crazy: How credible are these guys who wrote this?

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06/05/13 9:28 PM

#10898 RE: anicoagent #10895

Credibility aside, PennyCrazy does have nearly 3k followers on twitter. At least the publicity may help?? Part of the issue, imo, with the slow bleed we've seen has been a lack of coverage of WDDD.

I'm guessing most people here found WDDD via another patent play. The few investors that may stumble upon WDDD probably have no interest in patent litigation; they will find the DD to be quite dry and boring.