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06/05/13 8:20 AM

#57795 RE: Getinin #57793

I was being facetious.

If MDMN ever wants to be taken seriously by investors and the mining community, a good start would be actually filing paperwork with the SEC and becoming a fully reporting company. If MDMN can be believed, they should have $100k coming to them in short order from the Ciclon sale. If I was managing MDMN, I'd hire a good lawyer and tell him to get cracking on becoming a fully reporting company with audited financials. Robert Hackney, the bankruptcy guy from Jupiter FL, doesn't quite meet muster in my book. I'm not sure how much this will cost but I'm willing to bet that $100k would make a nice dent.

Assuming they go this route and the books are clean, everyone will know how many shares are out there and what the real state of the company is. At this point, MDMN can begin to prove up the mountain and figure out if there is anything in the hills AND if it is economical to extract. A legitimate study done my a reputable drilling company would get a lot of people looking at them IF the drilling turned up some viable resources.

For 16 years, MDMN has been kicking rocks, wheeling and dealing and coming up empty. Why?

I was invested in this thing for some time as well. I was lucky and got out at .17 after the Vegas AGM. I had serious doubts about the company. The key was divorcing myself from the financial aspect of MDMN and having NO money at risk to cloud my judgment. I'll be labeled a "disinterested observer", the B word and all manner of names for admitting that I don't own this company but the fact remains, with no money at stake, it is very easy to be completely objective.

My advice to the current shareholders is to do a bit of digging on their own. Don't listen to the "MDMN experts", go find your own experts from the mining business who can objectively read the PRs, look at the property and make educated decisions. This is what I did and it is why I sold a long time ago.

PS - I won't share my sources because shareholders will do one of two things: 1. They won't believe them or 2. they will harass them.