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Replies to #6690 on Rambus (RMBS)
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12/13/05 8:07 PM

#6692 RE: smd1234 #6690

Republication and demacrotization;

THe second term applies to excel worksheets in secure mode...

OK, raw orders are OK, books are not OK for the
"Republication" treatment. Beware negligent neologisms!

I think the transcripts may have some juicey bits in them,
especially the CCMC versions with the Kabuki theatre and the
subsequent unctuous schmoozathon,
at least the one I saw. (and missed part of the 'insanely expensive' kickoff speech by his subtleness). OF course, no transcript can capture RMW clamping his hand onto his lower face to help choke off the escape of chortles, giggles, snorts and guffaws. Wow...

Anyway, I think it would be instructive to re-examine the initial posturing in light of the intervening posturing, to see who was acting 'in good faith.'. I remember some radical claims by hissly/grinch.
Wow, a maniacal litigator named Lynch, right up there with Dr. Drool the dentist, etc.
Anyway, on another firedrill now, so this is only for momentary entertainment between dreary reads.
PS, thanks, I hadn't realized that his nibs had yet to schedule the subsequent hearing to determine the potential mootness of our
Dec 15 papal audience. Curiouser and Curiouser