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06/04/13 10:28 AM

#71 RE: Den #69

Directed Stem Cells toward Myogenic Cells

Our subsidiary OrCell Ltd. has developed an innovative stem cell technology for healing and rehabilitating of severally damaged muscle tissue and initiating strong Myogenetic regeneration in injuries such as Myocardial Infarction (MI), pressure ulcers, and regenerative diseases of muscle.

Our innovative technology is based on precise control of stem cell transformation directed solely toward myogenic cells . This unique process allows myogenic cells working as a network (similar to the cells of skeletal and heart muscle tissue) suitable for transplantation use.

For human treatment, OrCell Myogenic cells derived from MSC's that are isolated from adipose (fat) or bone marrow tissue. Our unique procedure prevents the formation of spontaneously differentiated stem cells that may potentially form tissues such as bone tissue, cartilage, etc. along with blocking tumorgenecity which may develop in muscular tissue undergoing healing after transplantation.

Apart from our unique technology, there is no existing protocol that allows safe and efficient direction of stem cells into myogenic cells for human transplantation and human tissue engineering. Our protocol enables safe human therapy without side effects and is integrated into the injured tissue without body rejection or suppressive immunological medical treatment.

The Company has completed successful animal studies with extremely positive results.