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06/04/13 5:42 AM

#18466 RE: mcsharkey #18465

Mcsharkey... you're a hoot. It's great to be back. I've missed your running commentary and this "social networking" more than I thought. Aside from all the investment information and perspectives, you and many others on this board, old and new, provide a great sense of community and kinship I haven't felt in quite a while. Thanks for your kind words and GLTA.


06/04/13 4:16 PM

#18495 RE: mcsharkey #18465

I don't know about the Smartwater lawsuit being dead, but this is great news, since all should recall the Smartwater patents were very, very broad:10:04 AM Certain stocks slide after the WSJ reports Pres. Obama is expected to announce 5 executive actions and 7 legislative proposals taking aim at perceived patent trolls, including legislation enabling sanctions against litigants filing lawsuits deemed abusive, and orders to the USPTO to "train examiners to scrutinize applications for overly broad patent claims." The report follow harsh Feb. remarks from Obama about patent trolls, as well as recent DOJ/FTC hearings regarding their activity.