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06/03/13 11:15 AM

#38814 RE: slyestjester #38811

Nice find SLY. I especially like the comments regarding the slaughter house.


06/03/13 2:55 PM

#38821 RE: slyestjester #38811

Is it this time of year its time for drought and stuff usually in the HU or is it later the whether has its entrance?
Are Solomon really working 18h a day all Days a month and is past 60 years old all for his shareholders and Thinks he´s got time to start building houses and grow fruit? Will they get supplemental fishfarms on the lawn so they can vertically integrate meals and work into the living space then to? That Solomon guy are a true superman no risk at all of heart deceases there is it? and the cigarettes are natural green to I'm sure? , might be a good future business to start a factory for making them? Shouldn´t he start growing some vegetables like cucumber and tomatoes and potatoes and start a bakery that could distribute fresh bread to all the restaurants? are they buying that stuff at present? Hey how bout starting a chain of Wal-Mart's to vertically integrate all purchases to the restaurants as well? Sure is a Bright future unwinding here :-)