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06/01/13 12:35 PM

#24497 RE: drwwicks #24491

From an accounting perspective.
For their balance sheet:

It will be broke down, but lumpped together with other things.

Probably kiosks will be added to "fixed assets" - long term. But..........

Equally they likely borrow $ for purchase of kiosks (as should and have in past) so that will be tossed into long term liabilities. But new and existing will be lumped together-----hopefully they have lots of foot notes:)

Income statement will show their travel expenses which are very high from previous published statements. Hopefully they breakdown , meetings & meals but likely will be grouped together for consolidated financial statements. However, travel expenses include sales meetings for the Hodges to setup these deals accross the country.

The installation fees for travel etc part for the kiosks maybe lumped into liabilities for debt if financed. Some try to dump these costs into long term fixed assets, but should be put on fins as an operating expense/cost.

Considering this audit is taking place.....just wait to see the 100k-500k fees under legal and professional services for
(I know thats the range I would charge if not more!)

Accounting is a very messy and easy to hide stuff for reporting fins, hence lots of footnotes.

Hope to see an full fledged "Annual Report" for 2012 (signed off by audiors) as it would show tons of information for proper DD for investors.