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05/31/13 8:35 PM

#204861 RE: arizona1 #204859

and record heat here .. Sydney basks in record May temperature

Date May 10, 2012

A warm autumn has followed Sydney's cool summer, with the city recording its hottest May day in 70 years today.

The temperature at Observatory Hill was 29.1 degrees about 1.30pm, making it the hottest day in May since 1942, Weatherzone meteorologist Doug Fenton said.

The hottest May day on record for Sydney was May 1, 1919, when the temperature reached 30 degrees.

"We've had a high pressure system which has been planted directly overhead," Mr Fenton said.

"That's brought some sunny skies over the last few days and really allowed surface temperatures to heat up.

"We've also had north to northwest winds bringing in that warmth from the interior ... that meant we're seeing the heat build up over the last few days."

Weatherzone said Sydney could record its warmest string of May days in five years if the city reaches its forecast top of 26 degrees tomorrow.

But the nights were still cool, getting down to 14 degrees last night, Mr Fenton said.

"That is a few degrees above the average, but certainly a big difference from the maximum of 29 degrees.

"That's just due to the clear skies. It means we don't have that insulating blanket with the cloud, which can trap in the warmth from the previous days.

"So the heat is just escaping straight up into the atmosphere."

Weatherzone is owned by Fairfax Media, the publisher of this website.

Can't find one, but heard May 31 was the hottest on record. No El Nino either.

.. excerpt ..

February period, even without a dominant El Nino weather pattern over the Pacific – the conditions which typically produce exceptionally warm temperatures over much of the country.

In fact, a slew of other records have tumbled in 2013, including the hottest day and hottest month. The 11 months from June to the end of April were also the country's hottest for maximum temperatures, underscoring the persistence of unusually high mercury readings.

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07/12/13 8:39 PM

#206386 RE: arizona1 #204859

As a storm approaches, suddenly Southern ‘Small Govt’ GOP Governors want ‘Big Government’ help

July 11, 2013
By Anomaly

There seems to be a pattern here. When Gov Chris Christie needed funds to help after Sandy hit New Jersey, his Republican counterparts objected, until a storm/hurricane hit one of their states. And here we go again. Suddenly, Southern ‘Small Government’ Republicans are comprehending the value of what they perceive as ‘Big Government.’

Republican lawmakers championed sequestration but now that Tropical Storm Chantal is becoming a reality in Florida, Gov. Rick Scott and two other Republican Governors are bemoaning the impact of federal budget cuts. Still yet, Scott has blamed Obama for the sequestration before even though he’s a vocal opponent of federal spending.

The Beast reports .. :

With Tropical Storm Chantal .. .. headed for South Florida with landfall likely Saturday, Florida Gov. Rick Scott .. .. is sounding alarm bells about the impact of National Guard furloughs on state storm preparations. “The problem is you’re losing training time, you’re losing preparation time,” Scott said during a radio interview in Jacksonville. “When will the National Guard make the decision that we stop the furloughs? Right after the hurricane hits?”

Scott joined with two other Southern Republican governors whose states are in the path of tropical storms to write a letter to President Obama urging him to call off the furloughs. In Florida, nearly 1,000 employees of the National Guard are furloughed once a week, saving the federal government money under the congressionally mandated sequester but costing the state in readiness.

The letter, also signed by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, says, “The furlough hits us at a historically inopportune time, as evidenced by many years of hurricanes, wildfires and flooding in our states from May through October.” The three governors point out that under sequestration, nearly 50 percent of their full-time uniformed military personnel will be furloughed one day a week from July through September.

(my bold)

What Jindal meant to say was, “The furlough hits our state at a historically inopportune time.”

.. good luck with Chantal ..