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06/03/13 10:32 AM

#293 RE: NYBob #290

Once On That Slippery Slope, After AMEX Warnings...

Crystallex hit the Tri-Vecta -- Delisted, Suspended, Revoked.

Always trying to negotiate with Bondies, for more bucks to blow, Crystallex eventually found a willing lender in Tenor. Tenor has their tentacles woven into Crystallex, working out a substantial portion of potential ICSID award. Now it seems Tenor is the new Bondies, a lender ya luv ta hate. Well, maybe not hated by the unwitting advocates of Crystallex.

Now, still spending money like drunken sailors, Crystallex did what any company on the slippery slope to oblivion would... managed to get their US shareholdings revoked. Despite the suspension, it was an SEC "mistake" according to the Crystallex advocates. So, the SEC Suspension Warning went unheeded by many retail, preferring to consume the hopium washed down with KoolAid. Now revoked, advocates talk of being able to trade revoked shares privately. SEC would disagree with that, but the hopium is mighty potent here.

Good to see you pop in Bob.