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05/28/13 3:32 PM

#21719 RE: ScrChamp606 #21718

So easy to muddy the waters and distract everyone from the important stuff that peeps should be looking at:

Revenues for the quarter: $136,000 Ummm, weren't some posting that nothing was going on here, and we were in trouble?

Yikes!! What happens when we need to add Total's numbers in next quarter??? They ONLY had $700,000 in 1 month......... What is that going to do to the Net Worth line item?

INCOME is exceeding EXPENSES!! How often do you see that in pink stocks?

AND, included in those expenses are SALARIES! YES, there is actually enough going around to PAY people to work here. No worry of having to give them shares, or worry about lawsuits down the road due to non payment for services. RENU is currently making enough money to PAY PEOPLE to work here. (Thank you Syed)

No worries about paying for St Cloud equipment UNTIL it is performing!!:

On August 29, 2012 Team Energy received delivery of the landfill gas to CNG equipment required for the project with the City of St. Cloud. The equipment is valued at $2,500,000 and is
being stored at a warehouse in Orlando until construction begins in early 2013. The equipment is financed directly through the manufacturer and technology supplier. The equipment is financed
over a four year period at an interest rate of 8% per annum. Payments will begin six months after equipment startup and commissioning

Lower share price today? Who cares? (other than someone that was intent on selling........) My safety nets are back in play. Fill em up, you won't see me complaining.

Ohh, and..... JMO.