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Replies to post #331 on Porchers

Replies to #331 on Porchers
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im a survivor

04/29/01 10:17 AM

#332 RE: Vendit #331


One more thing that I might add for your consideration is that in a short while not only can a chairman delete a post, IHUB "may" also allow the chairman the ability to suspend a poster from posting on his/her thread.

Won't that make only a post deletion look like a nice thing for a chairman to do?

I’m interested in your take on this just out of curiosity.


Reid >>

Actually Reid, my opinion is this....if IHUB is serious about turning this into a real, true investement site, they are not heading in the right direction with the above move. Take the following into consideration :

First, my thinking all along is the keys to the asylum, should not be had by so many people. You know as well as I do, that as long as there is written/spoken word, there will be disagreements. I think you will also agree that not every human being is perfect. If you think people are pissed about having posts deleted, how do you think they will react to being banned, if they feel it's for the wrong reason. Bob doesnt like john, so john is banned, simple as that....and if matt and bob are going to have to police all this, it is only going to add to their problems, not make their job easier.

Case in point : I was banned on SI's Porch. Only place I've ever been banned for. It was not for attacking or bashing....I speak the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts. many people were getting on Tom about some of his market calls, yet Dealer banned me, and like I said, it was not attacking or was discussing. Tom will be the first to admitt...if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen, and he takes folks questioning him fairly decently. Dealer however...well, she did not like me so she banned me. Now, my point is this.....this will continue to happen.....people WILL be deleted over personal predjudices and biases. there is no way around it. When I was banned from the porch, there was dealer and i think maybe 2 - 4 people that were glad I was banned. Do you want to see the number of posts I have saved from people that think it's a travesty and biased action that she deleted me? Opinions from both regular porchers, ex-porchers and just lurkers. Most everybody said the same thing. My point is, dealer had the power to ban me, so she did. Was it right? Well, I have an enormous amount of people that dont think so, that think i did and said nothing wrong, and cannot understand why dealer just didnt put me on ignore instead of banning me. Isn't that a curious thought....she could have just ignored me...instead she banned me, and Vendit, as god as my witness I have a boatload of saved posts saying it was wrong for dealer to ban me...that it was personal for her, and they dont understand why she didnt just ignore me, rather then ban me. So was it right for her to ban me? maybe she and a few others think yes, but I have many more that think no, and I could have created problems by fighting my bannishement, but decided it would just be another waste of time.

The exact same thing will happen here. You mentioned you wanted IHUB to be different then all the others....avaoid the yahooligans, and all the problems the other sites have.....I think you are working towards having the same types of problems. people will fight...people will start threads and delete posts and ban people from their thread until their hearts know that as well as I's human nature. If Bob and Matt have to approve every deleted post or banned poster, those guys are gonna be awfully busy, wouldn't you say. they may need a team of people to handle all the problems that could arise. What they are doing is not setting themselves apart as a serious site, they are inviting troubles. people fight. people have biases. It's just a normal thing. And it will be brought here, if it is allowed, there is no way to avoid it.

You mentioned only deleting a post would make the chairmen look good in comparison to banning him entirely. Eikter way reid, you have pissed off people. Pissed off people just mean more problems. More problems just means more work for matt and bob.

What ihub is doing with allowing chairmen to ban a poster is copying SI......and I thought you were against that, and trying to seperate yourself from si and all the others. Also waht it is doing, as I stated above is inviting watch and see....there is no way around it. Giving more authority to board chairmen is a recipe for another raging bull or other useless site. people will be people and giving more keys to the inmates is not the answer, imo. IMO, they keys need to be taken away from the inmates. We should be allowed to start our own boards, but we should not have the power to delete a post or ban a poster, and bob and matt don't have enough time or resurces to handle every problem, every dispute, and there will be many, no way to avoid it.

My opinion is as mit always has been. It answers most every need. It will seperate ihub and make it a more viable and true investement forum. Have The parking lot with stricter rules and have a banned post thread...or better yet, just turn the parking lot into both....but with strict rules. Chairmen can remove posts from their thread but cannot delete them. They are moved over to the parking lot, where at that time, the arguments can begin. Either they are mature arguments, or you are given a warning. A second warning, and your gone simple as that. Bob and matt would have a much easier time......basically one thread to police, with far less people bitching directly to matt and bob. They simply lay down the strict rules, and we either abide by them, or send us away.....if your trying to turn this into a good site with good people, that seem's like the ticket. Think about this for a minute....look at america and our crime rate...then look countries not nearly advanced as we are, and they have minimal crime rates. In america, we have rapists and child molestors and murderers walking the streets, with slaps on the wrist, if any punishement at all is given. In India, they chop off your hand if your caught shoplifting. Is it a coincidence there isn't much shoplifting in India? No. because people think of the consequences and dont do stupid things, while here in america, most criminals know they can steal a car 10 times and still get off with a slap on the wrist, some community service and probation, which even if they violate, they wont go to jail. While in india, they have far less police, and they have far less to do and deal with.

Life is no different here. Let folks delete, ban, bash, fight or whatever, and this site turns into just another site...nothing special....another also ran....meanwhile, bob and matt will be doing nothing but trying to settle disputes all the time. They will have to hire a staff. Things will get out of hand....and honestly, all it takes is one slip....I'm no lawyer, but Vendit you know as well as I do that nowadays people sue each other for looking at them the wrong way. I have never seen more frivolous lawsuits being thrown about then I have in the last 5 or so years. Eventually, your gonna find some unemployed lawyer who was banned that has nothing better to do then sue over his right for free speech and know how whacky people are........I dont care what the fine print says when you sign up to IHUB, it still wont prevent the whacko's from doing their thing, and matt and bob will have their plate full simply because they are allowing idiots like john to start a thread so they can ban or delete somebody...and like I said, bob and matt will not be able to keep up with this...something will slip by and etc, etc.....I see nothing but problems for ihub, matt and bob under this scenario, and I dont see IHUB turning into the legit site yall want it to be. Nope, IMO, yall need to make believe we are in India. Very strict rules, very strict penalties. No posts get deleted until they are first moved to the parking lot and then let the mature discussion begin, and then let matt and bob play police and make true determinations if a post should be deleted or a person banned.....and I dont mean just banned from a thread....nope, I also think if you are banned by more then one thread, and Bob is the only one who can do this, then you should be banned from IHUB.Period. Strict rules, that are easy to follow. Nobody can cry wolf about deleted posts, because they wont be deleted, they will be moved. Matt and bob will have far less to do, far less to worry about and it will be much easier policing the site. They wont have people coming at them bitching all the time...first it goes to the parking lot, which should be easy for them to police, and then they can make final determinations about deleting a post off of the lot, and/or banning a poster from a thread or ihub.

Sorry to be so long winded and repetitive...that is my biggest problem......<ggg>, but I honestly do believe if you want this site to as good and different as you say, then it's time to take the keys out of the inmates hands, while making matt and bobs job easier, while protecting the site and it's occupants.......You solve all kinds of problems by doing the things I describe.

I'll post this on the lot as well, but am hesitant to do so....when I first posted on the lot, i was attacked from every angle because I was suggesting to matt that changes needed to be made.....hopefully the people see where I am coming from and dont jump all over me...if they do, well again, it's proof positive that stricter rules are needed.

One last question...if yall are really wanting to trun this into a different and better site, then why not be an INDIA and be very strict with what is allowed and not allowed. it will keep the "yahooligans" away, meanwhile, what you are proposing is just gonna bring more yahooligans over so they can start threads and ban people....bob and matt will have to hire a whole new staff.......

Ya sked my opinion.....and you got the long winded version, which is what most folks get......I dont think I have a shor winded version for anything.

Have a nice day
